Hejsan! Ciao! Hola!
So this trip has so far been totaly wonderful. We started out in Santiago and stayed two nights with my fathers friends son Miguel and his family. Miguel picked us up at the airport and let us stay in his house. They where so nice and gave us a pefect start in Chile.
We tried to take it slow in the begining but it is hard to find smaller roads that are with pavement instead of gravel so we have had two long days on a highway and our only day with rain was one of these days, less fun.
It is easy to find campingspots and our maindish in the evenings are pasta with toamtoesauce and cheese. Lunch is bread, coockies and choclates.
Places that was beautiful and worth a resting day was in Puerto Octay and Ensenada both small cities with great views over the two volcanos Osorno and Calbuco and next to beautiful lakes.
No problems with the bikes so far and no punctures. The big problem here are all the dogs that chase us down the roads sometimes. Maybe just for playing but some look pretty threatful and makes us pedal as fast as we can.
We are now in Ancud a city on the Isola of Chiloe and it is beautiful here so we are hanging out for about two days. We are later biking south and taking a boat to Chaiten to start the carretera austral.
This is what we biked so far:
Villarica-Conaripe 44km
Conaripe-Panguipulli 35km
Panguipuli-Los Lagos 63km
Los Lagos-Rio Bueno 75km
Rio Bueno-Puerto Octay 86km
Puerto Octay-Ensenada 63km
Ensenada-Puerto Montt 76km
Puerto Montt-Ancud 88km
Åh, så roligt att läsa om er resa! Det låter sannerligen läskigt med hundarna som jagar er, jag hade gjort i brallan! Bilderna är vackra och ni likaså. Hur känns packningen? Ni har ju ändå hunnit cykla en bra bit. Ta hand om er! Stora kramar Johanna.
SvaraRaderaHejsan vannen! Ja du just nu ar inte varken jag eller marco stora hundvanner. Detarhundar overallt och detkanns som varje familj/hus hartyp minst tva stycken och de alskar att trigga upp varandra under natten och skalla ikapp. Far ibland lust att aga ett gevar tyvarr. Packning kanns bra an sa lange och cyklarna funkarbra. Ska bli spannande att komma ner till Careterra Austral dar detar annu mer vildmark. Krama familjen fran mig!!!/Ellen